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The Future is Truly Connected Teams
BizzioAug 1, 2023 04:10 PM1 year ago
In this intriguing discussion Iris Kline Arih introduced us to the concept of intentional connection-building, leading to deeper relationships and improved productivity.

The Future is Truly Connected Teams

📣 We are excited to share the recording of Iris Kline Arih's thought-provoking session with you. Iris, a seasoned business trainer and coach at BMC International, took us on a profound journey of contemplating the future and the importance of truly connected teams.

💼 In today's fast-paced work environment, where geographical and generational boundaries are diminishing, establishing deeper connections among employees is vital. Iris introduced us to the concept of intentional connection-building, leading to deeper relationships and improved productivity.

Highlights from the session include:

✅ Discovering the significance of responding to employees' call for meaningful work and personal value.

✅ How to listen to the needs and desires of our colleagues and creating an environment that fosters their growth and development.

✅ Building a 3C culture of alliance based on trust, collaboration, and interconnectedness.

➡️ Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to gain valuable insights from Iris's wealth of experience as a business coach. Whether you're a manager, team leader, or aspiring professional, her session is packed with actionable strategies for fostering genuine connections within your teams.

➡️ Share this empowering recording with your colleagues and friends, and let's work together to create truly connected and successful teams.


Iris Kline ArihBusiness trainer and coach


BIZZIOBusiness transformation community
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SLAFFBusiness platform on blockchain


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INVESTRAYour Trusted Partner For Smart Investments


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