Over the past few years the term "Hike Your Own Hike" has become more common and popular within the hiking (or walking in general) community, but what does it actually mean? It simply means that you should hike in the way that you enjoy, and not try to follow someone else’s plan or path.
In practice any hike that involves more than one person will involve a degree of compromise, and at some point, you need to decide whether this is acceptable. If not what you are going to do about it?
No matter what hiking style that you have there are advantages and disadvantages to the way you hike and you may find you change your hiking style to suit the given conditions.. This can be easily introduced to life itself - you must walk your OWN individual path, live your OWN life, search your OWN goals, reach your OWN dreams.. You must conquer and climb your OWN chosen mountain!
Enjoy your path ;-)